If your core is weak, you could end up exhausted before either you or your partner finishes, and poor cardio might leave you exhausted. As a rule of thumb, being in good shape makes sex not only easier, but more enjoyable as well.
Scientific studies support the claim that regular exercise helps improve sexual function in men, and men who exercise more often are at lower risk of sexual dysfunction. Although, the best way to promote sexual health and performance is to exercise regularly. However, there are certain exercises that are better than others.
Several studies have concluded that regular moderate to vigorous exercise throughout the week is good for heart health. By combining this with a healthy diet, you can control your weight and reap the benefits for years to come. Performing physical activities will improve your ability and endurance, and this will benefit you.
But how do you get started? You should start slowly, such as with a regular walking routine and work your way up to jogging. Additionally, you can go for a hike or swim, or use an elliptical in the gym. Exercises that raise your heart rate and maintain it over an extended period of time are beneficial. Pick an activity you enjoy to prevent burnout.
Do core exercises regularly
Whenever we talk about your core, we're referring to all of your abdominal muscles.
Several exercises can be used to train your core muscles, such as abdominal push-ups, crunches and planks. To work all the muscles in your core, try side planks. They'll strengthen and tone the muscles along your sides, so you'll be able to change positions and remain balanced.
The side plank requires you to lie on your side and raise yourself onto your elbows while keeping your hips off the floor and your legs stacked or staggered. Ensure that your shoulder is directly above your elbow, and that your body is in a straight line. If this becomes easy, shift your weight from your elbow onto your hand and raise yourself higher. Take a deep breath and hold your position for several seconds before switching to the other side.
Exercises to improve balance
Maintaining balance in bed (and elsewhere if you're feeling adventurous) requires a strong core. However, you can maintain stability through other bodyweight exercises.
The muscles used during sex are also activated while mountain climbing, including your shoulders, core, and arms. This requires balance and coordination, as well. Bring your knee under your chest while in push-up position. Stay as straight as possible, and switch legs. Alternate between legs like you're running.
You can also improve balance and coordination by doing side lunges. Your left knee should be directly over your left foot as you lunge to the left. Get up and lift your left leg off the floor before balancing on your right leg for a moment before returning to a lunge position. Repeat on both sides.
Exercise your pelvic floor
Both men and women can benefit from Kegel exercises for strengthening their pelvic floor muscles. Along with their ability to enhance colon and urinary function, Kegel exercises may also contribute to the improvement of sexual activity and function.
By stopping the flow of urine in midstream, you can determine your pelvic floor muscles. They are the same muscles that prevent you from passing gas. Sex experts recommends that you tighten and then relax your muscles for three seconds for at least three sets of ten repetitions daily.