I’ve tried countless fat burners with no luck, but Burn belly Fat is the real deal! I’ve lost 8 pounds in 3 weeks
Before & After
Kieron Smith
I have always tried to keep healthy and exercise but I could never manage to bring out my abdominal muscles! I started to take the Six Pack Pill which really helped to reduce my body fat and bring out the muscles in my abdominal area!
Adam Starks
Thank you to LA Muscle’s Norateen Heavyweight II. I was able to gain the size and definition I couldn’t achieve before taking supplements!
Wissam Khozoui
LA Whey Cappuccino tastes too good to be healthy! Great source of protein for breakfast and post-workout. The muscle gains I have seen while taking the LA Whey are amazing and it is defiantly my most recommended supplement!
Jim Benskin
First and foremost 311 BCAAs, these are invaluable. I take them before/after cardio and weight training, the recovery is second to none and coming up to competition when calories are restricted it has helped me preserve all muscle tissue.
2nd LA Whey. With its potassium to sodium ratio I’m guaranteed no water retention and i know gram for gram is being absorbed not like inferior protein powders out there and it keeps me in a positive nitrogen balance, it feels like a "cheat meal" it tastes too good especially choc mint flavour.
3rd Norateen Extreme. My strength and recovery have gone through the roof. It helped me pack on 14lbs of new muscle since last year and after training for ten years that’s like winning the lotto.
John Lanigan
When I first began training I took the Fat Stripper while I was loosing weight! I kept a good diet and trained up to 6 times a week. Without Fat Stripper it would have taken me almost double the time to loose all the weight I did! I couldn’t believe how fast I saw the results.
Once I had lost the weight I wanted to loose I began taking LA Whey and Norateen Extreme. When you are a bodybuilder preparing for a competition these two supplements really are great! The LA Whey tastes great and definitely work with Norateen Extreme to build your muscles and increase your strength. Now I am lean, defined and happy. Without LA Muscle supplements I could not have done it!
I use LA Whey in the morning as soon as I wake up and immediately after each workout. Pre and post workout I take 311 BCAAs.
A Few times a year I take Explosive Creatine. I take everything from the shelf and I love LA Muscle products. I know that they work for me. The products helped me to get my results and I suggest them to all my clients and to all my friends. The taste is excellent and they do work.
Carly Burr
Since 2005 I have suffered with panic attacks and the only thing that helped me get to the gym and stay calm during training was chewing minty gum. Recently I tried LA Muscles SlimGum and I have to say I am really impressed. They contain natural ingredients to help keep me slim which provide a refreshingly minty flavour.
I am five weeks out from starting my competition diet and I have to say that during the last few weeks I have been able to clean up my diet completely thanks to SlimGum. It has suppressed my cravings and the flavour does seem to last just as longer then the average gum plus I have lost 1lb a week so far without introducing cardio. Needless to say, SlimGum is now going to be a staple in my up and coming contest prep.
James Cooper
I used Norateen Heavyweight II in the past and had great noticeable results. Every workout I felt stronger, had increased energy and firmly believe it was responsible for my increase in lean muscle tissue in a short space of time early on during my training.
For a short period of time I combined Norateen Heavyweight II alongside Norateen II and it seemed to propel my results further and the post workout soreness seemed to vanish which meant I could train harder.
Jonny Spurling
LA Muscle products have transformed my body dramatically. I use Norateen Heavyweight II as directed as it gives me exceptional strength gains and increased muscle size.
This works great along with the LA Whey protein as this gives me a massive 48g of protein per serving and mixes easy and also tastes great. I love looking vasculator as this makes my overall physique look more toned and in shape. For vascularity I use Vasculator. This gives incredible vascularity and gym pumps instantly which I get many people complimenting me.
Anthony Pullen
I never realised the huge impact proper nutrition and the right supplements could have on my body. I spent hours in the gym but always felt I was far from the body I aspired.
A friend recommended LA Muscle products as ‘quality products with fast results’. To begin with I was skeptical, unsure how supplements could help me achieve the body I sought after. I began taking Six Pack Pill and LA Whey and literally within a few weeks I saw visible results, my body began looking leaner and more defined to the point where people at the gym starting commenting on my ‘great NEW form’.
They all wanted to know what I was using, I never hesitate to recommend LA Muscle products as they have got me here today!
With the help of LA Muscle products I have achieved my dream body and I am now working as a personal trainer helping others achieve theirs!!
Andy Harrison
I discovered Norateen II on the internet, and decided to give it a go. Like many natural bodybuilders I'd tried everything out there, so another couldn't hurt. It was supplied by LA Muscle in New Zealand. They also provided the advice on training with it, the correct dosage etc.
Two months prior to my next contest, the Natural Universe, I began taking the supplement. It all went well, i suffered no side effects whatsoever, and contest day found me at 75kg with 5% body fat. I am pleased to say i won my division.
But that wasn't the end, as 3 weeks later it was the Natural Olympia in Reno, Nevada, USA. I continued my use of Norateen II, and if i do say it myself, on contest day i looked the best i had ever been. By now my bodyfat had gone to 4.5% And this was without any other supplements except for the good old WPI protein powder. But it was a tough...

William Michael Garnon
I look back at my photos now and I cannot believe that really was me. 12 weeks ago I was overweight and unhappy. I read about a certain successful fitness model and how he sent his photos to LA Muscle which begun his modelling career.
I browsed the LA Muscle website and used the supplement selector to choose the products which would help me achieve my goals. Fully inspired I began to eat healthier, joined the gym and taking Six Pack Pill, LA Whey and Norateen Heavyweight II.
12 weeks from then I now proudly have a six pack and a defined physique overall. I hope my story really inspires others and shows what an impact quality product’s can make.
What a transformation, I feel stronger, healthier and happier!!
Lennie Scudder
I always thought I was in good shape, but struggled to achieve the lean, defined look I sought after. My progression as an MMA fighter demanded a toned physique; this is where LA Muscle products really helped me achieve the body I required. I used a combination of Sculpt, LA Whey and the Six Pack Pill.
Not only did these LA Muscle products help me achieve my lean, toned physique, the website provided me with all the training and nutritional information I needed for my body transformation.
I now feel ready to take on any challenges I face on my way to becoming a UFC fighter.
I can honestly say without LA Muscle I would not have this body today!!!
Kieran Mitchell
My greatest achievements to date have been losing 4 and a half stones within 8 months with the help of LA Muscle products.
I was always conscience of my weight even at an early age. My aspirations for a toned physique were high but I lacked the nutritional knowledge and supplements to get me there. I stumbled across LA Muscle whilst reading a fitness magazine, they mentioned Fat Stripper and I thought I would give it a go. I started to see results with a few weeks, the fat was dropping and I felt far better than I had ever before.
I called LA Muscle for advice to aid my weight loss further and achieve a toned physique, they provided excellent nutritional advice and recommended I use Explosive Creatine for pre workouts and LA Whey for post. These really made a difference. I felt energized and could see my body transforming.
Now I can take my shirt off with confidence…Thanks LA Muscle !!
Matt Carlin
When I was leaving the army, I was reasonabley toned but I wanted more size, strength and definition. After researching into products and going to the gym I was recommended LA Whey and Norateen Heavyweight II by LA Muscle, so I thought to give them a try along with my training.
Wow, the results were amazing. Norateen Heavyweight II kicked in from the very next day. I felt my strength increasing instantly.
My Bench Press increased rapidly along with my Shoulder Pressing, Squats and Deadlifts. I strongly believe in compound movements as it has helped me to get to where I am today.
Along with the LA Whey and Norateen Heavyweight II I use Explosive Creatine. Explosive Creatine is the best Creatine in the market in my opinion. Tastes great, easy mixing, no after taste and incredible effects on muscle, size and strength.
I do a 6 week on 6 week off cycle with the Norateen Heavyweight II and Explosive Creatine however continue to take LA Whey every day. Pre-workout, Post Work-out and before bed are the fundamental times which I have found to use my protein.
I am now a full time personal trainer and continue to add more muscle and definition to my frame.
I thank LA Muscle for their great products and would recommend them to anyone looking for good quality products and fast results. They have contributed massively in getting me achieving the body that I have always desired.

Yasir Chaudry
When I was young I was always fairly slim with a skinny body but with a bit of a belly in comparison to my frame. Due to a broken leg and torn calf ligament, I rocketed up to 17 stone of mainly fat. I wasn’t happy with the weight increase and my mood reflected.
I then ran into various bodybuilding magazines and was impressed with the physiques which were printed. Immediately I wanted to take action and start to transform my body to look like a natural bodybuilder.
This is where the quest began. I researched extensively into training and dieting and found a very useful book by LA Muscle, The Body Kit Manual. I would recommend this to anyone out there who is into bodybuilding and fitness. It’s written very well and easy to understand. The book outlines all the vital information ranging from diet, nutrition, fitness, bodybuilding and general health and well being. With this knowledge my career started.
Within 6 months I lost 4 stone and was noticing unbelievable results in my training. I followed the book and incorporated supplements to my regime which have aided me to where I am today.
Fat Stripper & Fat Stripper Intense are fantastic products for rapid fat loss and getting the toned look. For pre-work out pumps Vasculator is the product for me. Instant pumps and vascularity every time and the comments received from friends and fellow gym members are so motivational it keeps me going.
To top off my supplement programme, Norateen II and LA Whey are a must. The taste and mixing of the protein is great and the best thing is that there are no cheap ingredients just pure quality whey. Norateen II is helping me immensely in adding more size, shape and strength every day. I would recommend this to anyone who may have reached a plateau or is wanting to transform their body.
Massive thanks to LA Muscle as they have been great in providing me with the supplements I need to grow as well for their help and advice.
I am only 21 and looking forward to achieving so much in the bodybuilding era……

Rob Wardley
My name is Rob and I am a personal trainer, I have been training for three years now because well, I was skinny! I was determined not to stay that way. Together with my knowledge of fitness and nutrition I embarked on a journey into the world of diet, fitness and supplements! The most asked question I get now Is how did you do it? So here is my diet plan.
Meal 1: LA Whey shake, Fat Stripper, 4 whole grain rice cakes with jam and a banana on top.
Meal 2: Fat Stripper, Tinned tuna, broccoli, 150g sweet potato.
Meal 3: Fat Stripper, Turkey breast, 150g sweet potato and 10-15 mixed nuts.
Meal 4: LA Whey shake poured on top of 50g of porridge with 10-15 mixed nuts.
Pre-workout: LA Muscle Vasculator Post-workout LA Whey
I also kept a daily log of which body parts I trained any cardio I performed and if I had eaten anything out of the ordinary. It was so handy to look back on this especially and noticed the difference it had made over time.
I wish everyone luck who is wishing to embark on the journey to fitness, mine has led me to many great places such as as being junior champion for the BNBF 2010.

Cindy Garcia
My name is Cindy Garcia–Lister, I am 27 years old and for most of life I have been active, however approximately four years ago I let myself go (a lot!).
I began to have pain in my legs, I found it difficult to walk in heels, difficult to enjoy activities that I love to do like long walks and I even had pains in my chest, all as a result of my diet and weight. This then affected me mentally and emotionally, I felt down, lost confidence and started to find comfort in food, unhealthy food!
I didn’t weigh myself as I just didn’t want to know. I do know that I was a UK size 16 at my largest. This may not sound very large however I have a petite frame. I needed a change! I made a change, well changes!
I totally changed my diet for a healthy one, began exercising again and started to take LA Whey and Explosive Creatine to boost my strength and increase my energy. After one year of hard work and a strict diet plan I am a size 6 and I have never felt better in every way. I am now a Fitness Model, I’m even looking to start competing this year and I am training to be a Personal Trainer.

James Walker
Hi my name is James Walker and here is a little bit about me and my weight loss journey, when I was younger I was overweight and well that is probably putting it politely.
Like most kids who are big I was bullied to the point where I left high school and the decision was made that I would be home tutored growing up was tough but there's a light at the end of every tunnel.
My confidence was shattered at an age where I shouldn't have had a care in the world. Like most people when I hit rock bottom and decided to do something about my weight I starved myself initially. Eating hardly anything and drinking a lot of water I was young and that reflected in my choices.
Then came the research I absorbed everything I could including the information on lamuscle.com. It was good sound advice not crash dieting but more of a way for life.
I began to eat six meals a day including taking LA Whey to help with my muscle growth and recovery and towards the end of my weight loss journey I would take Fat Stripper which has helped me blast away stubborn fat from my body in super quick time.

Chris Foster
The products I have used from LA Muscle are LA Whey, Sculpt, Vasculator, Explosive Creatine and Fat Stripper Intense.
I started off by getting the training side of it sorted first. I'd speak to other gym users and ask questions, and then i'd try out their exercises. I would always focus on technique and full range of motion as opposed to weight or quantity.
With the diet I started off like most people that want to get in shape and are new. I starved myself not literally but I thought by not eating much I would get lean which I did but I just looked skinny. So I'd spend hours on-line searching forums and websites such as la muscle.com for nutrition tips.
For me it was being told I was overweight by a pro football club that really drove me into getting in shape. There is a saying I heard once on a favourite program of mine : " once you stop seeking perfection you may as well be dead". Whether your starting out or at the top of your personal physique goals, there is always something that can be bettered or something new learnt I have gone from being told I was overweight by a pro club to being an LA Muscle sponsored athlete.

Roger Snipes
I can’t say I have ever been ‘unhappy’ with my body, but there has always been that familiar feeling of ‘I know I can do better’ and I did.
I had always wanted to be a fitness model growing up and with the help of LA Muscle I have achieved that. One of my greatest achievements is being number one in Mr Britannia this was an honour but it didn’t come easily. I remember the early morning work outs. LA Muscle's Sculpt, a supplement I don’t think I could have done it without.
Now that I have achieved so much with my modelling even appearing on Good Morning and the Michael Ball Show. I am still hungry for more my next aim is to attend Fitness Britain on April the 17th it’s the qualifier for the finals which will hopefully lead to me getting my Pro Card in Natural Bodybuilding. I want to thank LA Muscle for putting everything into their supplements especially Norateen II as it's so natural I can still use through competition and of course for your help in getting me to the top.

Paul Bennett
As a personal trainer and avid gym user I understand the importance of quality nutrition and supplements to support maximal gains from my workouts. That is why I use the LA Muscle products, I use LA Whey after training to aid recovery and repair it has a great amino acid profile which makes it great for facilitating growth in the muscles and to stop muscle breakdown.
In the last month of my transformation I used LA Muscle Fat Stripper to lose the final amount of body fat needed to give me that lean look and to bring out the definition in my abdominal area. If i was feeling low on energy or needed a extra pump in the gym I would use LA Muscle Vasculator to really raise the intensity of my training session, helping me to increase my overall vascularity and pumps. This product was amazing for that.
As a final note I believe I wouldn't have been able to fully achieve what I did without the help of these products.Thank you LA Muscle!

Jordan Davies
Hi my name is Jordan Davies.
I have always played rugby and used the gym but used it more as a social outing rather than being that serious about it. The big turning point came when I started University and started playing rugby for my University rugby club.
It took a lot of research and determination for me to change my mentality and start training hard and eating properly, especially as a student. At the time of the first photo I was around about the 70-75kg mark and am now somewhere around the 91-93kg mark.
Because of my change in mind-set I managed to move up from the 3rd team into the University First XV and play in the BUCS Premiership. I feel a lot better in myself and a lot healthier, but I have to try really hard to avoid cravings and I do give in to temptation on occasions, but I think it’s good to treat yourself now and again.
Obviously diet and hard work are very important, but I have used LA Muscle supplements to give me that extra boost, I have used many but my favourites are Norateen Heavyweight II, Explosive Creatine and LA Whey.

Jamie Yates
Hi My name is Jaimie and I’m twenty years old. My journey into fitness has been an exciting one! It all started a few years ago. I was always interested in health and fitness and of course growing up and looking at celebrities, body builders and fitness models hoped that I would one day end up like them!
Of course in them real world hoping is not enough! Dedication determination and smart nutrition however is! I have a diet high in protein I use LA Whey religiously!
When I need to get extra lean for a photo shoot or to keep my abs on show and my body fat lean, I use Fatstripper by LA Muscle. No side-effects, easy to take and works fast!
My goals for the future are uncapped I feel like I’m young in great shape and the world is my oyster I know I couldn’t have done it without LA Muscles help. Their great advice, supplementation and inspiration have always kept me striving for more. I am now a fitness model and a personal trainer to. My goals are to be on the cover of leading fitness magazines. To start competing in fitness/bodybuilding competitions all around the world! Then the icing on the cake for me would be to compete in Los Angeles amongst the best of the best!
Thank you LA Muscle – and remember everyone the world is your oyster.

Angie Weston
Hi my name is Angie Weston, You might recognise me from TV or in print from LA Muscle or even Flex magazine!
Many people may look at me and think I’m genetically gifted or have always been this way! Well the proof is in the pictures I really haven’t. I was fat! I was 13 stones and hated every single bit of it! I felt low depressed and had no motivation for anything and you can understand why when all I ate was junk food and Chinese takeaways.
The turning point for me was realising how unhappy I really was there came a point when I asked myself ….there has to be more to life than this? Luckily for me there was!
I began by cutting out the junk from my diet one takeaway at a time. I felt I needed this because years of junk food left me feeling bogged down and must have left some build up! I learned to train effectively in the gym and dare I say even began to enjoy working out! The 13 stone depressed woman soon transformed into a hot 8 stone chick (if I say so myself!).
Since then I have been going strength to strength I began competing and came a close second at FAME in 2006, 2nd in Musclemania (model Britain category) and even appeared in various magazines such as Flex, Zest and Pride which was a real honour. Looking at the way I was whoever though I would be the girl that ended up in magazines!
Now that I compete my mentality towards my body is completely different I see it as well oiled machine that needs regular maintenance! I look after my body with good supplementation such as LA Whey a great diet and of course plenty of exercise, just what the doctor ordered. If my Doctor would even recognise me that is!

Jade Smart
Hi my name is Jade Smart and I am an avid user of LA Muscle products. I started to train in 2008; believe it or not I started at the humble weight of just 51kg! With a 28 inch chest and with the help of both Nobese and LA Whey I not only grew muscle but kept my body fat to a minimum to! I now weigh 64kg (off season) and around 60Kg around competition time! With a 42 inch chest. So yes I have come a long way!
Although I trained hard and ate right I have to owe a big part of my success to LA Whey which tastes great and has been so effective for me any one who trains knows protein is damn essential! Nobese has been a godsend too keeping me lean and trim whilst maintaining the muscle I work so hard to build.
Very few fat burners have the ability to do that without costing me my hard earned muscle mass! So now I know I can approach the championships of Spain and compete in the amateur world championships with confidence. Thank you LA Muscle!!

Patrick Owen
Being 16 and over weight wasn't ideal at a young age. One of them was to enter the military for the Royal Marines and I knew being overweight wasn’t going to help! the other of course was my GCSES. After doing a lot of research and speaking to those more experienced in the fitness field. I decided to take a good quality protein to help me increase muscle and shed fat! However I was overwhelmed by what was on the market just typing in Protein on the internet yielded enough results to make my head spin! So all I could go on was the ingredients this made me realize how many Proteins on the market are packed with excess sugar or artificial sweeteners now that wasn’t going to help me lose weight or become healthier! LA Whey contained no artificial sweeteners and is a Natural protein through and through!
I trained hard taking a small break for my GCSES and have achieved so much for someone so young on my first competition I was placed third to then go on to the BNBF – British National Finals and that was only after training for a year! I want to thank LA Muscle for caring what goes into their supplements and essentially what goes into us! And hopefully inspire other young people to look after their fitness, rather then being renowned for sitting in front of the TV playing video games!

Ross Preston
Being a personal trainer and a fitness model, I have no room for error! I have to motivate and inspire my clients as I run my own private personal training business from North West London by showing them a good example through my body! Fact is it’s been a bit of a journey getting here there was a time where yes I had muscle but also a layer of body fat covering them up.
It was frustrating ‘of course I knew what I was doing I’m a personal trainer I thought. I focused so much on my diet and training I forget another important angle supplementation that’s where Fat Stripper came in which worked as a fat metaboliser breaking fat down and shifting it out of my body and it did just that!
Fat Stripper helped me lose the fat which was needed for my all important photo shoots and to really show off my abs!

Richard Bath
It started back in 2006 I loved playing football and consequently injured myself. Being a proactive person I began looking for supplements to help me heal and that’s where the journey began! I discovered and researched a whole host of supplements after all if one could help me heal could others help me build muscle? In short the answer was yes! Four years after I broke my leg whilst playing football I was encouraged to enter bodybuilding competitions.
Without giving away all my secrets the staple of my success has been LA Muscles Explosive Creatine for a burst in muscle size and strength and Norateen Heavyweight IIfor sheer size! most of us have our diet plans all worked out we know what’s right and wrong when it comes to food.
Our training takes some time and we begin to see results but supplementation I have come to believe is that accelerator that gives us the edge as you can see from the difference in my photos! I’m proud of my progress it took me a while to get here but I plan on staying! Achieving your goals always seems far away but persistence hard work and knowledge seem to be the key for me. Cheers LA Muscle for giving me the edge!

James Goracy
I always remember looking at before and after pictures in magazines of people who have lost weight and thinking how they achieved their goals, and what in the world had motivated them to stick to it! After many years of being severely overweight I would say desperation motivated the change! That was back in in 2007! I slogged away for 14 months to achieve a lean muscular body of course it was hard work but I had the determination to shed every last bit of fat.
I was determined not to have anything to do with that life anymore. The thing about weight loss is it takes time and we live in a fast food climate where we want results and well everything fast! So saying no to a hamburger today was going to pay off when? and I had a lot of weight to lose! So I needed to accelerate the process of losing weight I mean I wasn’t playing around here and it really did feel like now or never.
I remember the first time I called LA Muscle I had so many questions and thankfully they had the answers! I took a combination of Sculpt Nobese and Fat Stripper for two months and I’ve never looked back! I feel each product helped me tackle body fat with a different approach.
Continuing in my efforts once I had reached my ideal weight I needed something to keep me on track so I decided to enter the UKBFF body building contest I had to research into what it would take as this was my first competition in 1998! I remember being nervous as I was ‘the newbie’ on the scene but It paid off and I was deemed good enough for the British Finals in 2009. Now my supplement needs may have changed as well I don’t have any body fat anymore. I keep myself up to scratch using Norateen II pre competition.
As I always say when your body changes so should your supplements and LA Muscle always seems to have something I need!
My future goals are to qualify for the UKBFF British finals again just to make sure I still got it!