The following is a very simple recipe you can make at home and will give quick results for anyone wanting harder and stronger “power” in the bedroom. It will work for pretty much everyone unless you have a serious and actual medical problem down below, in which case you must see your doctor. You can add some water to the below “concoction” if you want it more liquid-like and easier to drink:
Mix in a blender the following:
4-8 cups of watermelon (say half or a full small) watermelon
2 spoonfuls of extra virgin olive oil
5-10 walnuts
1 full avocado
The taste of this liquid should be OK. You can add sweetener to make it taste better.
If you want to go hardcore and make it even stronger for “performance” but not necessarily tastier, you can add 1/2 onion in the mixture in the blender.
If you want even more “power” drink the above with 2-3 tablets of Vasculator.
Enjoy! Well.. the enjoyment will be more for your partner. Thank us later. Both of you!