Training during lockdown is extremely limited for most people due to no access to equipment and facilities that we would usually have but that doesn’t mean that you can’t still meet your weight loss goals. The extra time at home might cause you to add additional body fat but there’s no reason why you can’t burn it off with effective exercise.
Here are 3 different training methods that you can do to guarantee weight loss whilst also sticking to the governments lockdown guidelines and restrictions.
1. Circuit Training / Intervals
This has already proven to be the most common form of weight loss during the lockdown. The main reason for that is because circuit training is so easy to do and can literally be done anywhere and with little to no equipment. During lockdown, despite the surplus of spare time, it’s highly recommended to keep your training short and intense as that will benefit you the most and burn the most calories. Try and aim for 15-40 mins per workout.
2. Hill Sprints
Running is still one of the best ways to lose weight with sprinting burning the most calories due to the intensity and effort required. During your permitted time outside, find a steep road or hill with nobody around and do 10 sets of sprints to the top and jog back down. Keep rest periods short and the workout intense and you’ll burn a ton of calories as well as many other health benefits.
3. Cycling
With the warm weather starting to appear, there’s never been a better time to go cycling. Use your permitted time outside to go for a bike ride, either alone or with your household. In keeping with the guidelines, the best way to stay close to your home is to plan a route that doesn’t go too far but takes you right back to your home and keeps you cycling for long enough to have a good workout.